I read this paragraph about Valentine Warleggan's future:
"George had promised Elizabeth he accepted Valentine was his child and would treat him better, and it was that promise that forced George to at least try and show Valentine rare instances of affection. But George struggled because it was obvious Valentine was like Ross and he had to ignore their connections. Valentine had enough of George's neglect by the time he was teenager, by the time he was a teenager. He made the choice to escape George and make new and genuine friends elsewhere."
What on earth is this crap? Why did Debbie Horsfield thought it was necessary to change Winston Graham's saga to such a degree that it resembled a badly written fan fiction story? This is appalling! By the way, George did technically accept Valentine as his son, although he was emotionally distant with the latter in the novels. Guess what? Ross was EVEN MORE EMOTIONALLY DISTANT to Valentine. This was the main consequence of Ross' rape of Elizabeth, which led to Valentine's conception. Apparently, Horsfield and the BBC were too gutless to be faithful to Graham's story because Ross had to be a "hewo" in the viewers eyes.