Yeah sounds super cool! I'm annoyed as in one episode in the promo for the episode after that Ross shouted "Valentine .... isn't ....yours!" to George Warleggan which got me super excited as this gets revealed but then when I watched that episode it wasn't in it! I know what I heard and that scene was filmed by them both!
Yeah. What is your favourite season? I think it is season 2 and then 3.
No they didn't. The first half of season 1 is for book 1 (book 2 is the second half). Book 3 and book 4 make up season 2. Season 3 is based of book 5 and half of book 6. Season 4 shows the rest of book 6 and 7. Season 5 wasn't really based on the books as they made stuff up. It has an 11 year time jump but contains some of book 8. There is a total of 12 books in the poldark series but unfortunately they weren't all put into the series. I wish they had done more seasons! :)
I absolutely love Dr Enys. He's so sweet and charming! I laugh whenever George is on screen and tries to stir up drama! I feel sorry for Francis as his life was changing and improving. They are my favourite out of the men in the series and I feel they had the most crucial and valuable character growth over the five series. Who is your favourite?